10 Sept 2007

The Omaré Attitude

To really look good, you have to feel good. It is the only way to let the real beauty shine through. As simple as this advice may sound it has many implications for the way spa face and body care treatment protocols are conceived and practiced. In fact, there are a multitude of factors to take into account, factors that go well beyond the quality of the individual products used. High quality products are certainly indispensable but they are far from constituting a sufficient condition for optimal results. This statement might seem odd coming from a brand Product Director, but Omaré’s Eliana de Melo MacLeay firmly believes that to think otherwise is to completely miss the point. It is all about what she calls the “Omaré Attitude”.

Resolutely committed to what she refers to as a comprehensive cosmopolitan approach to professional face and body care, she believes that the products used in any specific protocol “must be conceived to create effective performance synergy via complementary ingredient profiles and innovative application techniques specific to each product or product type. In short, successful spa face and body care is about developing effective protocols and treatment programmes and not simply about aligning a series of individual products. The product line and treatment protocols should be conceived with versatility and flexibility in mind, allowing aestheticians real-time options to best serve specific client needs. In general, rigid protocols that allow for no real-time changes should be a thing of the past. Omaré’s 3 peel-off mask mixing Solutions (EQ / Aloe / Radiance) are but one of many examples of the kind of flexibility to which I am referring. Choosing the right solution to prepare our peel-off masks maximises flexibility and optimal targeting of specific skin care situations. 4 facemasks + 3 Solutions = 12 mask preparation options with 7 products. Our entire line is designed to work in this way. It is an integral part of the Omaré Attitude.”

Spas and institutes have invested heavily in recent years to make their environments more and more attractive with elegant intimate decors and elaborate yet discreet sound systems and lighting installations. Add to this the high-tech treatment machines that are now available for both face and body care and it would appear that it is difficult for things to get much better. And yet, Eliana de Melo MacLeay thinks that as important as these environmental and technological factors might be, “they can never (and should never) replace the all-important human factor. Perhaps it is my Brazilian heritage, but I feel that human contact, emotion, respect and caring can make significant differences in face and body care results in the same way they contribute to improving the overall quality of our lives in general. Focusing on these qualities is also part of the Omaré Attitude and constitutes one of the keys to successful spa and salon sessions. Clients must feel that their aesthetician and/or massage therapist genuinely cares about their well-being. We are treating people not skin conditions and a positive, caring attitude is essential and contagious. Being treated in a truly special way usually translates into feeling good about the treatment, the environment and about oneself.”

True to her Brazilian roots, the Omaré Attitude wouldn’t be complete without a musical connotation. For de Melo MacLeay, “rhythm is a critically important component of any protocol. Not only should individual products be applied in a fluid, rhythmical manner, the entire treatment protocol itself should be structured in a rhythmically coherent way, much like a symphony or a samba on a warm Brazilian beach. To neglect this is to sacrifice a major part of the potential pleasure a successful spa session can offer. It is another reason why we place so much emphasis on the training of our distributors and their staffs worldwide.”

Quality products developed for specific inter-product synergy, rigorous product application techniques, innovative face and body care protocols and the all-important human touch – all indispensable parts of the Omaré Attitude.

Looking good really does mean feeling good.

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