11 Sept 2007

Environmentally Friendly Plastic Bags

As of September 2007, Omaré France is proud to announce that all Omaré branded plastic carrier bags (used in conjunction with purchases of the brand’s retail cosmetics products), will be manufactured using oxo-biodegradable plastics. This environmentally friendly commitment is made possible thanks to the incorporation of Totally Degradable Plastic Additives (“TDPA™”) technology into the bag production process. It is now widely known that traditional plastics are very stable and not readily degradable and biodegradable in the environment. For this reason, plastic waste represents a major environmental problem.

Developed in Canada by EPI Environmental Technologies Inc., TDPA™ based technology enables products made from various types of plastics (including the material used to make Omaré bags) to degrade into environmentally harmless products within months of having been discarded. The degradation process involves the reaction of the TDPA™ treated plastic with oxygen in the air and is initiated by sunlight exposure, high temperatures and/or mechanical stress.
EPI indicates that research demonstrates that composts made from TDPA™ treated plastics have no toxic effect on plant or animal life.

The move to use oxo-biodegradable plastic carrier bags is another example of Omaré’s commitment to the principles of the UN Global Compact and its 10 defining principles. MacLeay s.a.r.l., owner of the Omaré brand, has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2001.

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