12 Sept 2007

Autumn Activities in the Baltic States & Belarus

This autumn is shaping up to be a very busy one for Omaré in the Baltic States and Belarus. Olga Griscenko, Managing Director of UAB Grozio Technologijos, Omaré’s exclusive distributor for Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus, reports that seminars and trade fair participations are planned all across the region in the coming months.

Ms. Griscenko, a medical doctor and trained Omaré beauty therapist / consultant has just returned from Minsk where she presented a second Omaré seminar last weekend in the Belarus capital. She is currently preparing a third presentation and master class for an upcoming exhibition scheduled for September 20th - 23rd, 2007 and will be participating in Interstyle, Belarus’s largest cosmetics trade fair, at the end of November of this year.

Major activities in the region also include an Omaré treatment seminar at the MasterClass Professional Center at the Baltic SPA Professional Association in Riga, Latvia as well as participation in the Baltic region’s largest cosmetics exhibition, Baltic Beauty World, in Riga from November 2nd to 4th, 2007.

Lithuania, UAB Grozio Technologijos’s home base will be playing host to a seminar / demonstration animated by Omaré’s chief International Trainer, Valérie Le Gendre. Topics will include Omaré’s new massage protocols: Serensis™, Stimuliss™ and Silhouessence™ as well as new Omaré Foot and Hand Treatment Protocols to be launched in late November of this year. Probable dates are now under discussion with Omaré Head Office in France but it is likely that the event will take place in late autumn 2007. Don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Griscenko for all the news related to Omaré in the Baltic States and Belarus at: olga_griscenko@hotmail.com

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