12 Sept 2007

Autumn Activities in the Baltic States & Belarus

This autumn is shaping up to be a very busy one for Omaré in the Baltic States and Belarus. Olga Griscenko, Managing Director of UAB Grozio Technologijos, Omaré’s exclusive distributor for Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus, reports that seminars and trade fair participations are planned all across the region in the coming months.

Ms. Griscenko, a medical doctor and trained Omaré beauty therapist / consultant has just returned from Minsk where she presented a second Omaré seminar last weekend in the Belarus capital. She is currently preparing a third presentation and master class for an upcoming exhibition scheduled for September 20th - 23rd, 2007 and will be participating in Interstyle, Belarus’s largest cosmetics trade fair, at the end of November of this year.

Major activities in the region also include an Omaré treatment seminar at the MasterClass Professional Center at the Baltic SPA Professional Association in Riga, Latvia as well as participation in the Baltic region’s largest cosmetics exhibition, Baltic Beauty World, in Riga from November 2nd to 4th, 2007.

Lithuania, UAB Grozio Technologijos’s home base will be playing host to a seminar / demonstration animated by Omaré’s chief International Trainer, Valérie Le Gendre. Topics will include Omaré’s new massage protocols: Serensis™, Stimuliss™ and Silhouessence™ as well as new Omaré Foot and Hand Treatment Protocols to be launched in late November of this year. Probable dates are now under discussion with Omaré Head Office in France but it is likely that the event will take place in late autumn 2007. Don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Griscenko for all the news related to Omaré in the Baltic States and Belarus at: olga_griscenko@hotmail.com

11 Sept 2007

Environmentally Friendly Plastic Bags

As of September 2007, Omaré France is proud to announce that all Omaré branded plastic carrier bags (used in conjunction with purchases of the brand’s retail cosmetics products), will be manufactured using oxo-biodegradable plastics. This environmentally friendly commitment is made possible thanks to the incorporation of Totally Degradable Plastic Additives (“TDPA™”) technology into the bag production process. It is now widely known that traditional plastics are very stable and not readily degradable and biodegradable in the environment. For this reason, plastic waste represents a major environmental problem.

Developed in Canada by EPI Environmental Technologies Inc., TDPA™ based technology enables products made from various types of plastics (including the material used to make Omaré bags) to degrade into environmentally harmless products within months of having been discarded. The degradation process involves the reaction of the TDPA™ treated plastic with oxygen in the air and is initiated by sunlight exposure, high temperatures and/or mechanical stress.
EPI indicates that research demonstrates that composts made from TDPA™ treated plastics have no toxic effect on plant or animal life.

The move to use oxo-biodegradable plastic carrier bags is another example of Omaré’s commitment to the principles of the UN Global Compact and its 10 defining principles. MacLeay s.a.r.l., owner of the Omaré brand, has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2001.

10 Sept 2007

Anti-Ageing Body Care

There has been a veritable explosion of anti-ageing face care products on the market over the past several years. Like other professional brands, Omaré has devoted a great deal of time to this particular product / treatment category. However, oddly enough with the possible of exception of hand care, there has been relatively little attention paid to the rest of the body when it comes to anti-ageing protocols.

Omaré’s Rejuvenessence Anti-ageing Treatment Programme has taken up the challenge. Based on our Rejuvenating Body Pack and requiring the use of a heating blanket, this new Omaré spa body wrap treatment programme is designed to offer the ultimate in botanical-rich skin conditioning. The protocol combines the qualities of the green tea, grape, lithothamnium and spirulina algae extracts found in the Rejuvenating Body Pack with the soy protein, ray cartilage, sea lettuce and Centella asiatica extracts found in our Silhouette Firming Cream and the energising mix of 5 essential oils of our Stimulisse™ essential oil blend mixed with the laminaria algae and grape seed oil of our Ocean Oil. Designed particularly for mature skin, a complete programme (ideally, a minimum of 4 weekly sessions followed by regular monthly sessions) contributes to refining skin texture, improving elasticity and increasing suppleness leaving the skin looking and feeling ultra-fresh, firm and revitalised - a veritable sensation of epidermal renaissance topped off with an application of one of Omaré’s deliciously sensual Pearl lotions.

The Omaré Attitude

To really look good, you have to feel good. It is the only way to let the real beauty shine through. As simple as this advice may sound it has many implications for the way spa face and body care treatment protocols are conceived and practiced. In fact, there are a multitude of factors to take into account, factors that go well beyond the quality of the individual products used. High quality products are certainly indispensable but they are far from constituting a sufficient condition for optimal results. This statement might seem odd coming from a brand Product Director, but Omaré’s Eliana de Melo MacLeay firmly believes that to think otherwise is to completely miss the point. It is all about what she calls the “Omaré Attitude”.

Resolutely committed to what she refers to as a comprehensive cosmopolitan approach to professional face and body care, she believes that the products used in any specific protocol “must be conceived to create effective performance synergy via complementary ingredient profiles and innovative application techniques specific to each product or product type. In short, successful spa face and body care is about developing effective protocols and treatment programmes and not simply about aligning a series of individual products. The product line and treatment protocols should be conceived with versatility and flexibility in mind, allowing aestheticians real-time options to best serve specific client needs. In general, rigid protocols that allow for no real-time changes should be a thing of the past. Omaré’s 3 peel-off mask mixing Solutions (EQ / Aloe / Radiance) are but one of many examples of the kind of flexibility to which I am referring. Choosing the right solution to prepare our peel-off masks maximises flexibility and optimal targeting of specific skin care situations. 4 facemasks + 3 Solutions = 12 mask preparation options with 7 products. Our entire line is designed to work in this way. It is an integral part of the Omaré Attitude.”

Spas and institutes have invested heavily in recent years to make their environments more and more attractive with elegant intimate decors and elaborate yet discreet sound systems and lighting installations. Add to this the high-tech treatment machines that are now available for both face and body care and it would appear that it is difficult for things to get much better. And yet, Eliana de Melo MacLeay thinks that as important as these environmental and technological factors might be, “they can never (and should never) replace the all-important human factor. Perhaps it is my Brazilian heritage, but I feel that human contact, emotion, respect and caring can make significant differences in face and body care results in the same way they contribute to improving the overall quality of our lives in general. Focusing on these qualities is also part of the Omaré Attitude and constitutes one of the keys to successful spa and salon sessions. Clients must feel that their aesthetician and/or massage therapist genuinely cares about their well-being. We are treating people not skin conditions and a positive, caring attitude is essential and contagious. Being treated in a truly special way usually translates into feeling good about the treatment, the environment and about oneself.”

True to her Brazilian roots, the Omaré Attitude wouldn’t be complete without a musical connotation. For de Melo MacLeay, “rhythm is a critically important component of any protocol. Not only should individual products be applied in a fluid, rhythmical manner, the entire treatment protocol itself should be structured in a rhythmically coherent way, much like a symphony or a samba on a warm Brazilian beach. To neglect this is to sacrifice a major part of the potential pleasure a successful spa session can offer. It is another reason why we place so much emphasis on the training of our distributors and their staffs worldwide.”

Quality products developed for specific inter-product synergy, rigorous product application techniques, innovative face and body care protocols and the all-important human touch – all indispensable parts of the Omaré Attitude.

Looking good really does mean feeling good.

3 Sept 2007

The Pearl Collection

Omaré is shipping its new Pearl Collection this month to distributors in the U.S., Singapore and the Baltic States. The 3 bi-phase lotions that make up the Collection are bath & body comfort products destined for after bath & after shower use as well as for body rubs and enhancing skin radiance.

The blue-cyan Revitalising Pearls (shown here) are a refreshing mix of niaouli essential oil, laminaria algae extract and Dead Sea salt. They are perfect for after shower or after fitness workout applications. Their invigorating fragrance and refreshing feel make the Revitalising Pearls an ideal choice for men and women on the go who enjoy the pressure.

The sea green Daydream Pearls are an intriguing combination of ylang ylang essential oil, laminaria algae extract and Dead Sea salt and are perfect for after bath applications or for relaxing body rubs. The ylang ylang essential oil combined with a hint of mild vanilla fragrance make the Daydream Pearls a must for those seeking to unwind from the stress of contemporary urban lifestyles.

The golden Sunset Pearls are a sensually fragrant mix of Chinese Wolfberry, Dead Sea salts and laminaria algae extract. Their deep, hypnotising fragrance and the light golden glow they impart to the skin make them the perfect ally when seduction is a must. Like the other Pearls, they can, of course, be used as an after bath or after shower body lotion.

While these three products target the retail market, they are also very useful as an innovative final touch in Omaré body care protocols. Depending on the type of treatment, a light rub down application of the appropriate Pearl lotion is a unique and highly enjoyable way to finish a treatment.

2 Sept 2007

Omarage 21

Omaré has just released its new 21-day wrinkle relaxing face care complex Omarage 21. Packaged in convenient individual capsules, it is designed for intensive anti-ageing programmes targeting wrinkles, particularly around the eye, forehead and mouth areas. Over the years, repeated facial expressions and gestures as well as exposure to the elements contribute to the appearance of expression lines. With age, the repeated muscular contractions generated by facial expressions accentuate the depth, and therefore the appearance, of these wrinkles.

Omarage™ contains skin conditioners and the hexapeptide Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 designed to combat expression lines, relaxing and smoothing them for a fresher, younger-looking skin. Targeting the same wrinkle-formation mechanism as Botulinum Toxin, Omarage 21 is a safe and gentle, topically-applied alternative to Botulinum Toxin injections. Its action profile makes it the perfect complement to our Sunrise / Sunset Rejuvenating Creams, our Eye & Lip Contour Cream and our Lifting Serum. With a host of professional products including our Acerola Multi-vitamin and Rejuvenating peel-off masks and our clay and fruit-based Radiance mask and Radiance Solution, Omaré has placed wrinkle reduction and skin firming at the top of its face care priorities with products adapted to all ages and skin conditions designed to target a wide spectrum of wrinkle generation mechanisms.

1 Sept 2007

3 New Omaré Massage Protocols

Omaré is launching 3 new massage protocols and 3 new Essential Oil blends this autumn:

Serensis™ : ylang ylang, lavender, geranium, petitgrain bigarade, & Camomille essential oils.
Stimulisse™ : lemongrass, geranium, vetiver, niaouli & spearmint essential oils.
Silhouesence™ : criste marine, cedarwood atlas, myrtle, cypress & lemongrass essential oils.

The three massages will be the object of a new Omaré DVD detailing the complete body care treatments : The Sernesis™ Relaxation Massage Protocol / The Stimulisse™ Energising Massage protocol / The Silhouessence™ Modeling Massage Protocol. Our Ocean Oil will be used as the carrier oil adding the powerful cosmetic properties of its high laminaria algae content to the high performance essential oil blends.

Abridged versions of the three massage protocols have been adapted to existing Omaré body care treatments. In addition to their role in the massage protocols, the three blends will also be employed in existing Omaré spa bath treatment protocols as well as in new Omaré foot and hand care protocols. Product excellence and versatility remain at the heart of Omaré product development objectives.

Launching of the three massage protocols and the essential oil blends is programmed for year-end 2007 preparing the way for two new exotic retail face and body oil blends to be commercialised in the first quarter of 2008. These high performance luxury blends will be the object of a detailed press release in the coming months. If you subscribe to this blog, you’ll be among the first to learn all about these exciting new products.

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